Learning Tarot: The Major Arcana

Last Modified: January 24, 2019 at 2:31 pm by Tianna | Leave a comment

Learning Tarot: Major Arcana - In this post, I'll be sharing a bit about the origins of tarot and we will be learning the symbolism and meaning of each of the tarot cards in the Major Arcana.

Learning Tarot: The Major Arcana

I thought it would be fun to start learning tarot with you as I’ve been studying it for awhile now! It’s a lot easier to remember the cards if we do it together, am I right? Anyway, the Major Arcana cards are only half the tarot deck, but they represent overarching themes in a spread and are very important to learn.

Learning Tarot: Major Arcana - In this post, I'll be sharing a bit about the origins of tarot and we will be learning the symbolism and meaning of each of the tarot cards in the Major Arcana.

The Origins of Tarot

So, where does tarot come from? Origins of tarot are a bit controversial and mysterious. Some people try to trace tarot back to ancient Egypt, but the truth is that it more likely originates in either France or Italy in the early middle ages. Back then, they were referred to as “Triumph Cards.” Some historians think the first tarot cards were used as a game called triumph which is supposedly similar to bridge.

Tarot is the French word while Italians referred to it as Tarocchi. If you’re curious to learn more about tarot, then searching under both of those terms yields some very interesting history.


0 – The Fool

Tarot’s Major Arcana is also known as the Fool’s Journey on his journey to enlightenment. Beginning with the Fool, your journey begins filled with potential, innocence, and optimism. Also known as the Divine Child, the Fool is a leap into the unknown.

A fresh start to a new adventure with a sense of innocence, the Fool may also denote a time for change, childlike wonder, a new phase in life, trust in a higher power, and a feeling that all things are possible.

Getting this card upright in a reading suggests the need to take a risk with faith, innocence, excitement and optimism.

REVERSED, the Fool can represent foolishness, fear of the unknown, poor judgment, inexperience, and unexpected problems. In a reading, the Fool reversed can mean unexpected problems may arise and that you must strive to keep things in perspective. In reverse, the Fool warns you against taking unnecessary risks.

I – The Magician

The Fool becomes the Magician when he learns to focus his energy and use tools to manifest his desires. Upright, the Magician represents your ability to achieve a goal. It is your transformation through willpower. It can also represent creative visualization, new skills, self-confidence, opportunities, and being in control of your own life.

In a reading, this may indicate that the time is right to initiate projects and achieve your goals using innate skills and talents. You are able to take positive action and focus your attention to realize your fullest potential.

REVERSED, the Magician represents indecision, selfish behavior, arrogance, overconfidence, or unrealistic goals. If it shows up in a reading, it may indicate that you are not using your skills and talents to accomplish your goals or that you are being indecisive which is causing difficulties. In this case, now is the time to really apply yourself to succeed in your endeavors. Avoid excessive materialism and taking big risks at this time.

II – The High Priestess

The High Priestess is all about intuition. It’s about mastering your inner universe, secrets, spiritual forces or spiritual enlightenment, looking within, examining your emotions, trusting your inner voice, and your subconscious. It could pertain to hidden issues or influences, reflection, meditation, and learning.

In a spread, it may mean that something is going on beneath the surface and you need to listen to your own personal inner voice or intuition.

It’s a time to reflect, meditate, pray and trust your feelings. You may need to tap into any hidden talents to achieve success.

REVERSED, the High Priestess typically means that you’re not listening to your intuition or you may be out of touch with yourself. Otherwise, you may be relying on outside validation and approval. To address this, you need to pay attention to your true needs and feelings. Your unconscious mind may be trying to tell you something so LISTEN to it!

III – The Empress

The Empress often refers to motherly figures, abundance, and healing. It can denote prosperity, productivity, growth, creativity, harmony, sensuality, good fortune, and a willingness to help others.

In a reading, it’s certainly a good omen, suggesting that any artistic endeavors or sensual careers ( such as beauty related careers or artists) will success at this time when you rely on your creative instincts.

Your hard work will pay off in material success. It may also indicate marriage, pregnancy or childbirth or refer to a specific person, namely a woman, who is of importance to you (usually a mother figure).

REVERSED, the Empress can indicate blocked development, a refusal to grow, infertility, sex without love, greed, or excessive materialism, or depression.

In a reading, this may suggest that you are feeling blocked or selfishly hanging on to material possessions instead of sharing with loved ones. You may feel discouraged or depressed.

Money may be tight or you may be in an unsatisfactory relationship that is more physical than emotional. In this situation, you may want to examine the source of these issues, reflect and be kind to yourself in these moments. The dark is always before the dawn.

IV – The Emperor

The Emperor represents order, control and power. It may denote masculine power, authority and structures of society, ambition, strength, self control , logic, wisdom or material wealth.

Getting the Emperor in a reading may suggest your ability to use ration thought to achieve success.

It might infer that you need to deal with a rival or someone in a position of authority. Now is the time to act responsibly and organize a stable, structured environment.

REVERSED, the Emperor implies a lack of progress, tyranny, running away from problems, dependency, rebelliousness, laziness or impatience. It may also pertain to certain burdens.

In a reading, this reversed card might imply that something is interfering with your progress at the present time. You may be viewing matters too much with your head over your heart.


You may be in a situation that makes you feel incompetent or inferior. Otherwise, an immature man may be causing trouble for you. Your behavior may also be excessive at this time. It’s a time to seek stability and balance if that’s the case.

V – The Hierophant

The Hierophant reflects tradition, conventions, and orthodoxy. It often refers to conventional wisdom and even religion. It might denote spiritual growth, learning or teaching, or seeking advice on a spiritual matter.

It is specifically a focus on spiritual development.

REVERSED, the Hierophant implies breaking with said convention. Perhaps, you are seeking or need to apply an unorthodox approach. Otherwise, it may imply that you have been given bad advice, are looking at a situation with a closed mind, or otherwise are dealing with materialism, extremism, or perhaps are rejecting a tradition. You may need to use innovative approaches to solve a problem or, it’s possible your are being too dogmatic in your assessment.

VI – The Lovers

Upright, the lovers typically represent an important choice, a union, trust, health and healing, relationships, or a fork in the road. It may also denote commitment such as engagement or marriage.

In a reading, the Lovers could mean that you are facing a crucial life decision and must choose a path.

It may imply that a commitment, love or marriage are on your mind. Otherwise, it may signal a need to take time to heal or recover.

REVERSED, the Lovers often represent a bad choice such as failing a test, fear of commitment, or an ill-considered decision. You may be involved in the end of a relationship or an unhealthy relationship. Whatever the case, you must take responsibility for your behavior and choices.

VII – The Chariot

Typically the Chariot refers to progress, purpose and success through balancing opposing forces. You may need to stay centered and calm amidst conflict to triumph.

Move forward with clear determination and your will conquer difficulties, resulting in success.

REVERSED, the Chariot usually refers to being or feeling out of control. You might feel overwhelmed, unbalanced, or lack direction. You may also be haphazardly wasting energy. If you are feeling out of sorts, you may need to re-evaluate the situation, then resolve any present conflicts before moving forward. You may also be dealing with travel or transport issues in some cases.

VIII – Strength

The Strength card is about moral force. Confidence, inner strength, wisdom, courage, good health, conviction, self-discipline, and faith in your own abilities.

In a reading, the Strength card may pertain to a need to rely on your inner strength and patience to solve problems.

You may want to use this to time to confront someone who has been pushing you around. A tactful, diplomatic approach will lead you to success now.

REVERSED, the Strength card denotes sickness, weakness, self-doubt, fear, insecurity, unhappiness, worry, abuse of power, and rebelliousness. In a reading, it could imply that you’ve been feeling depressed, ill, vulnerable, or overwhelmed. This is not a time to force an issue. This card reversed suggests you need to come to terms with your inner demons. Assert your inner strength to feel empowered. It may also literally indicate physical weakness or illness so take care to rest and eat well.

IX – The Hermit

The Hermit is all about searching within yourself. Contemplation, meditation, self-discovery, attention to details, self-examination, wisdom, and pondering life’s mysteries.

In a reading, the Hermit implies it may be time to withdraw voluntarily and seek inner truth in solitude.

Take time for rest and silently ponder your situation. Meditation and calm reflection are needed now. Consider matters carefully now.

REVERSED, the Hermit denotes excessive isolation, exile, loneliness, self-absorption, suspicion, self-pity, self-deception, or withdrawal from others. In a reading, the Hermit Reversed may imply that you are too caught up in doing things your own way, causing you to reject good advice or input from others. If you are cutting people out of your life unnecessarily, it may be leaving you feeling lonely and rejected. Self reflection and outside advice from others may be helpful now.

X – Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune implies a change for the better! It may refer to good luck, progress, advancement or rapid change coming your way. It might also imply that you are due for a lucky break.

Circumstances are improving for you as you are entering a new cycle that has potential for new opportunities and growth.

REVERSED, the Wheel of Fortune may indicate a recent failure, disappointment or unexpected setback. You may also feel like you’re stuck in a rut. This is not a good time to take significant risks so wait a bit, reflect, plan, and take time before moving into action.

XI – Justice

Justice is all about, well, justice. It refers to balance, harmony, fairness, and strategy. It might even refer to legal affairs, rationality, a trial, contracts or an apology.

When it appears in a reading, it’s a good idea to weigh the many factors of your situation to make a rational and thoughtful decision on the matter.

REVERSED, the Justice card might imply that you are being judged unfairly or, perhaps, judging someone else unfairly. It may also imply a lack of commitment, imbalance, bias, prejudice, manipulation, or conflict. In a reading, this card reversed may mean that you will experience delay in getting what you want because of unfair treatment. Otherwise, your own over confidence may be working against you.

XII – The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man denotes a new perspective! It refers to taking your time, enlightenment through reflection, uniqueness, selflessness, sacrifice, commitment, higher wisdom and daring to be different.

In a reading, it often has to do with taking time out to reevaluate your attitudes, priorities and aspirations.

This is a testing period and there are lessons to be learned now. You may need to give up the old to make way for the new. Time must be spent in contemplation, relaxation and rest for a moment.

REVERSED, The Hanged Man denotes useless sacrifice, materialism, poor financial decisions, lack of effort, or a refusal to break with the past. You may be being untrue to your authentic self. Perhaps you are living up to someone else’s expectations or denying your own needs and values. You may also be unwilling to make a necessary sacrifice for higher good. It may be necessary to turn your world upside down to achieve enlightenment. A period of suspension may also be coming to an end so it can be a good thing in an otherwise positive spread!

XIII – Death

The Death card, surprisingly, has little to do with actual death most of the time. Instead, it denotes major transformations. Profound and necessary change, a new beginning, leaving the past behind, a new way of life, or death of the old self.

In a reading, the Death card refers to an upcoming major transformation.

You may be facing significant life events such as marriage, divorce, leaving home, relocating, career changes, or becoming a parent. It is s time of endings and new beginnings.

REVERSED, the Death card refers to a resistance to change, being at a standstill, fear of change, or turning your back on the future. When it occurs in a reading, you may be clinging to a situation, attitude or relationship that needs to be discarded. this resistance is hindering your growth.

XIV – Temperance

The Temperance card is all about moderation and self-restraint. It infers tolerance, balance, fairness, compromise, artistic creation, compatibility, forgiveness, reason, and interracial harmony.

In a reading, it denotes a sensible intermingling of diverse forces which, in turn, creates something new.

You may establish a relationship with someone from a different culture than your own.

You are able to cooperate in harmony with others. Your are balanced and not excessive at this time. Moderation is the key to success!

REVERSED, Temperance implies some kind of extremism. This includes sexual excess, fanaticism, lack of balance in your life, overreaction, lack of compromise, obsession or unbridled passions. You may be exhibiting a lack of balance in some area of your life which leads to unfavorable consequences. Your refusal to compromise has caused some problems for you that need resolution. Seek balance at this time.

XV – The Devil

The Devil is a card that refers to self- imposed limitations or bondage. The power of negative thinking, not letting go, pessimism, excessive dependency, unnecessary guilt, or confronting your inner demons may all be inferred with the Devil card. In a reading, it may be that you are feeling trapped in an oppressive situation that is of your own creation. Maybe you feel overburdened by a big commitment.

Are you refusing to leave an unhealthy relationship? Review your bondage to material items, passions, harmful relationships, or finances. Fear and negative thinking may also need to be evaluated.

This card also warns against using your power to manipulate, influence, or control others. You may be overly concerned with money or filled with greed and fear to the point of imbalance. Confront your shadow to allow personal growth to continue.

REVERSED, The Devil means a release from bondage. In an otherwise positive reading, it can mean that you are confronting your fears and removing the chains that bind you. You are overcoming temptation and seeking enlightenment. You have confront false values and are no longer dominated by obsessions or burdensome commitments.

XVI – The Tower

The Tower is a card many people dread, but honestly, it’s not so bad. In truth, the Tower denotes a quick collapse or breaking down so you can make way for newer and better things. The change aspect is scary, but it’s a necessary change. It’s the darkness before the dawn. .

This can mean a number of things from the collapse of an old way of life or old way of thinking to an awakening, a shocking revelation, major transformation, a surprise, or a release from bondage. It can mean liberation.

The death of an illusion. Breaking free and spiritual enlightenment. Shattering false beliefs and gaining newfound freedom.

In a reading, the Tower often means swift, shocking or dramatic change. It forces you to deal with something dramatically and this can mean you are suddenly moving to a new place, changing jobs, changing careers, entering therapy, or some other life changing event.

The point of the Tower is meant to help you learn some pivotal truth about yourself and act accordingly. There is a moment of what feels like upheaval and it forces you to get rid of what no longer serves you. Now is the time to get rid of false beliefs.

REVERSED, the Tower still denotes a shock, however it typically means the shock or trauma is over. Change has happened. Time to pick up the pieces and start anew. If this is self imposed captivity, it’s time to stop oppressing yourself!

XVII – The Star

The Star card is all about hope. It denotes inspiration, luck, optimism, trust, promise, happiness and renewal. It’s a very positive card! Now is the time to rely on your intuition and inner wisdom.

A desired response or result is on its way. This is a good time to exert your efforts because you can achieve your goals.

REVERSED, the Star often infers that you’re having difficulty accepting who that is being offered to you. It may be that you are unjustifiably pessimistic or that there will be delays, disappointment or anxiety. Even reversed, the Star retains much of its positivity, but it often infers that you’re not seeing the goodness surrounding you. Pessimism or lack of confidence may be hindering your happiness. It may be time to change your perspective

XVIII – The Moon

The moon is about deep forces and sometimes your own self-deception. It denotes intuition, strong feelings, secret inner truths, psychic awareness, your dreams and imagination, change or mystery, and creativity, usually the arts.

It can also be representative of escapism, trickery, deceit, fear, clouded thinking, negative moods, or hidden enemies.

In a reading, the moon can warn of deception, confusion or self deception.

You may be entering a period of polarizing moods, uncertainty, or it may be a good time to make sure of your creative abilities. Now is the time to attend to your dreams and intuition.

REVERSED, the Moon denotes that it is time to step into light and clarity. You are now seeing things clearly as they truly are. Otherwise, if the reading is on the negative side, it may refer to misunderstandings, escapism, unclear thinking, illusions, dark secrets or self doubt.

XIX – The Sun

The Sun is all about success, vitality, confidence, optimism, achievement, and empowerment. It denotes truth, logic, clarity, friendship, creative expression, hope, good health, and attainment.

In a reading, it’s refers to a time of joy, success, celebration and good fortune when you feel healthy and alive.

REVERSED, the Sun may be referring to partial or delayed success. Because it’s such a positive card, even it’s reversed aspect often maintains much of its positivity. Otherwise, it can imply depression, ill health, failure, pessimism or obstacles. It may imply success after many obstacles or difficulties, but still success is on the horizon!

XX – Judgement

Judgement is about rebirth. It’s a summation and milestone that you’ve reached. One phase of life is ending and you can now assess its value. Often, it is like a phoenix rising from the ashes. This cycle is ending and you must prepare for a new era of growth.

You may be reaching an important milestone or faced with an important decision that could change the course of your life. If you understand it’s potential to transform your life, the decision you may now will bring about s beneficial outcome. This is a time of renewal, awakening and a reaping of rewards from last actions.

REVERSED, Judgement can infer that you face consequences of poor decisions made in the past. You may have outgrown a job, circumstance, or relationship and yet, are struggling to let go. Let go of the past and move in a more constructive direction to get on with your life.

XXI – The World

The World is about the ultimate fulfillment of something. It’s attaining harmony, well being, reaching your goal, achieving a sense of completeness or wholeness or oneness. It can represent freedom, beauty, success and an ideal state of being.

You have reached the final stage in your striving to reach your goal. All is well; success is at your fingertips!

Everything is going according to plan. As this phase ends, new one begins with new experiences and new growth.

REVERSED, The World denotes stagnation or lack of growth. It can also denote a delayed success, obstacles, fear of change, being stuck in a rut; quitting on something too soon, or an unwillingness to face the future. You may fine or difficult to reach your goal because unfinished business needs to be resolved first. You need to step back and examine the big picture in order to tie up any loose ends and fulfill your aspirations now.

Learning Tarot: Major Arcana - In this post, I'll be sharing a bit about the origins of tarot and we will be learning the symbolism and meaning of each of the tarot cards in the Major Arcana.

Tarot Spreads to Try and Final Thoughts:

Tarot takes time and dedication to learn. It’s important to realize that reading cards is unique to the reader as well. So, with that, here are some fun tarot spreads to try and experiment with. I like to do one or two card spreads for myself as a way of daily practice, but these are also great ones.

  • 3 Card Spread – Past, Present, Future
  • 5 Card Spread
  • Celtic Cross Spread
  • Horseshoe Spread

What is your favorite card in the Major Arcana?

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